Comic Book Workshop with Amy Letts

Venue, Timing, Cost

StART Art Studio, 66 Bayswater Road, OX3 9NZ
Thursday, 16 May 2024
£19.50 (£15 concessions)

Comics are a wonderful means of visual storytelling, using a combinaton of words and pictures. Known as 'sequential art' there are many different forms of comic book from the gag-a-day to the graphic novel. Have a go and release your inner comic artist. Can't draw? No problem? Did you know such popular comics as "Cyanide and Happiness" and "The Order of the Stick" use stick figures? During this workshop you will learn how to make a classic 'gag' comic to get everyone laughing. We will also look at how to use time and action to create the illusion of a fast-paced scene. All you need is a pencil. Yours teacher, Amy Letts, has been drawing comics for over 15 years and is eager to share her passion and experience with you. Self-publishing her webcomic 'Epic Fail' she is also the organizer for Caption Comics Festival 2025.

Amy Letts