The Oxfordshire Visual Arts Festival (Oxfordshire Artweeks) is a non profit-making company, limited by guarantee and owned by its members. Everyone who lives or works in Oxfordshire is welcome to take part and there is no selection process for artists wishing to participate.
The organisation is funded through membership subscriptions, exhibition fees and advertisements in the annual guide.
The festival is run by a board of voluntary directors, made up of artists and other professionals who generously donate their time and expertise, and managed by a part-time executive director, supported by a part-time office administrator. They, in turn, are supported by a team of twenty-four volunteer area co-ordinators, who provide a local focus for promotional activities.
The Artweeks’ Office, Jo Salmon and Esther Lafferty, handles all enquiries. Click here for our contact details.
Please note that the Oxfordshire Artweeks Office closes from mid June until mid September. During this period, emails will be checked only intermittently.