Oxfordshire Artweeks is a not-for-profit artists' organisation that promotes the work of Oxfordshire artists and makers, and gives visitors the opportunity to engage directly with local creatives in a relaxed environment. Artweeks is non-selective and open to all artists living or working in Oxfordshire or artists that have a studio in Oxfordshire. Artweeks is also open to artists that live outside the county but are members of an established Oxfordshire based art group, society or guild.
Established in 1981, it is the country’s oldest and biggest open studios and art trails event. The festival was founded by a group of Oxford-based professional artists using a model previously seen in the US. The first festival took place in 1982, inviting the public to enjoy visual art in a relaxed way with direct access to the artists. This formula has proved to be so successful that it has been replicated throughout the United Kingdom. In Oxfordshire, there are now nearly 500 sites each year, as well as special exhibitions and events, tours, talks, workshops and demonstrations to appeal to all ages.
The Company
“Oxford Visual Arts Festival Limited” (known as “Oxfordshire Artweeks”) was formed in 1981. It is directed by a non-executive Board whose members are interested or involved in visual arts and crafts throughout Oxfordshire and organised by a part-time executive director and an administrator who are appointed by the Board. “Oxfordshire Artweeks” refers to the three week, non-selective festival of art which takes place annually, across the county, normally in May.
The organisation became a company, limited by guarantee in 1999, with all participating artists becoming members of the company. All participating artists must be a current member of Oxfordshire Artweeks, for the year they are exhibiting. Only members of the company are entitled to take part in the annual Oxfordshire Artweeks’ festival. All members are expected to exhibit at one or more May venues. For those who wish to become a member and exhibit virtually instead of in a physical venue, you will be asked to register a 'virtual exhibition' listing for the festival guide.
The Company undertakes to enter artists’ exhibition details into the festival guide, to publicise the festival and supply participants with publicity material. Membership also brings the benefits of regular newsletters, the opportunity to meet other local artists, the benefit of a member’s portfolio and the right to elect new Board members at the Annual General Meeting. Membership is renewable annually for the year commencing 1st January.
All members are asked to distribute a minimum of 25 festival guides locally in April/May; to ensure their venue has clear signage and a friendly welcome; and to uphold the good standards & reputation of Artweeks.
Oxfordshire Artweeks (Oxford Visual Arts Festival Limited, company number 3835574) is a private company limited by guarantee. It has no share capital, and has members who are guarantors instead of shareholders, where the liability of the members is limited. Limitation of liability takes the form of a guarantee from its members to pay a nominal sum in the event of the company being wound up while they are a member or within one year of their ceasing to be a member. The amount of money guaranteed by each member is £1 as stated within the constitution of the company (the Memorandum & Articles of Association).
Limited company no. 3835574
Registered company address Preservation House, Badger Street, Bury, BL9 6AD
(Please do not use this address for correspondence.)