Indian Block Printing and Vegetarian Canapés at Skirmett Village Hall, RG9 6TD with Marea Brown (Art Of Jaipur)

Venue, Timing, Cost

Skirmett Village Hall
Wednesday, 17 July 2024
2.30pm - 4.45pm
£42.50 (includes complimentary vegetarian canapés)

Date and time: Wednesday 17th July 2024 - 2.30pm - 4.45pm

Location: Skirmett Village Hall, Fingest Lane, RG9 6TD

Cost: £42.50 (includes canapés)

Join us in this lovely village setting to learn the art of Indian Block Printing and create your own beautiful designs using a wide range of hand carved blocks. Print either a table runner, a set of napkins or three other items including cushion covers, tea towels, scarves, tote bags and drawstring gift bags.

You will first have a demonstration and then you will practise on old fabric until you are ready to create your own designs. Please wear old clothes or bring an apron!

A selection of complimentary vegetarian canapés by Gifford's Circus sous chef Alex Brown will be served along with elderflower cordial, tea and coffee.

There will be a few printing blocks and blank textiles available to buy at the end for anyone who is interested in pursuing this craft at home.

Marea Brown (Art Of Jaipur)