First Sunday of the Month at Turville Studios 7th April 2024.
First Sunday of the Month at Turville Studios 5th May 2024.
Oxford Art Weeks 18th May - 27th May.
Beverley Matchette-Downes initially trained as a Painter but after subsequently completing a Masters in Printmaking her work is now dominated by all things printmaking related! She loves all that printmaking entails, the processes, the alchemy, the happy accidents. Initially she learned about linocut and etching metal in acid but has since discovered the joys of Lithography; Stone, Waterless and Mokulito (Japanese Wood), Collography, and Monoprint.
Her subject matter has evolved over the years but is concerned with the tangible visible things which surround her, she is concerned with pictorial space and composition. She often but not always uses her camera as a sketchbook and source of inspiration from which to draw and paint her images onto the plates associated with each medium mentioned earlier. Although her work is predominantly figurative she enjoys abstracting with colour, simplification and tonal range to make the images her own and hopefully more visually exciting. Her recent work has been dominated by a mild obsession with trees but she is planning a new body of large monotypes and collographs exploring macro imagery.