Announcing this year’s Mary Moser Award Winner

Submitted by Esther Lafferty on Wed, 04/03/2020 - 5:46pm

The board of Oxfordshire Artweeks are delighted to announce that Wheatley printmaker Rose Bradford is the winner of the 2020 Artweeks Mary Moser prize, an annual award established to honour Mary Moser’s commitment to Artweeks and to further the career of a professional artist who has taken up art as a second career later in life.

Rose worked as a teacher for many years, specialising in reading skills, studying fine art only when her own children grew up. Her pictures depict both people and the small connections that link the everyday with the history of the world or social struggles. The most recent series of pictures shows the Virgin Mary and imagined moments in her life. Each is delicate and graceful, recognising and gently celebrating the enormous underlying strength that people can and do find within themselves with a sense of peace and contentment.

You can download a full article about Rose's work below. Rose will be exhibiting in Jericho as part of the ArtStudio.Life group during the Artweeks festival.

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