Exhibition information
For Artweeks in May I will be opening up my studio, alongside many other artists from Ayres House Studios in Wallingford. I will continue working during that week on whatever I happen to be doing at the time, sharing my work, creative processes and studio paraphernalia.
I am principally a painter, however much or my creative process is multi diciplinary. My compositions are all processes of 'looking to be still' or 'to distil', whatever medium, form or subject I use, from painting, drawing, pottery, writing, sound recording or multi sensory installations and assembages. I often work between sybolic reprosentations and expressionism. In contrast to my other art practices, my pottery provides me with the opportunity to create funtional pottery pieces for everyday domestic use.
A selection of studio pieces, limited edition prints and pottery will be available to purchase from my studio, as well as through the Ayres House Studios gallery.
Full and up to date exhibit information will be available at www.ayreshousestudios.co.uk
Venue: Ayres House Studios, Ayres Yard, Station Road, Wallingford, Oxon, OX10 0JZ.
Dates: 10th-18th May / Closed Mon & Tues.
Time: 10.30am-4.30pm / 6-8pm Friday 16th May