I would be pleased to welcome you to the exhibitions of my work during Artweeks. I will be exhibiting in three locations during Artweeks: firstly at the Swan Inn, Islip, then at Eynsham Arts Group exhibition at the Bartholomew Room, Eynsham, and also in a joint exhibition with my sister Jane in Freeland. My portfolio consists of work undertaken over the last couple of years using pen and ink and watercolour to depict townscapes, urban landscapes, architecture and the built environment around the UK. In addition to my paintings I have signed prints and greetings cards available as well.
I have 8no. works on display within the Swan Inn, Islip, as part of a permanent display of works by Oxfordshire artists.
The Eynsham Art Group exhibition takes place between Thursday 9 May and Sunday 12 May. Hours of opening at Bartholomew Room are 10am - 4pm.
At the Freeland exhibition, over the first two weekends of May, I'll be exhibiting my work alongside my sister Jane, who produces exquisite watercolour paintings of the natural world and who sells signed prints, coasters, greetings cards and tea towels.
The joint exhibition with my sister Jane takes place in a large, light and airy conservatory in my sister's garden in Freeland, rural West Oxfordshire. You're invited! Come and have tea with us in the new gazebo.
“As a former engineer, Paul brings a thoroughness and precision to his work. The charm of his work is its modesty and ease, but this is deceptive. It carries the ambition of a single, breathless act of imagination.””
— Angus Reid, artist and writer.
I was born in Stratford upon Avon and benefitted from a childhood filled with opportunity for travel, exploration and learning. I was actively turned on to an appreciation of the natural world, history, our cultural heritage and the environment.
I studied engineering at Leeds University and Penn State University and worked for more than three decades in the construction industry. My career in construction was based in Oxfordshire, where I settled with my family.
Having retired from the consultancy business of which I was a joint owner, I spent time teaching, undertaking voluntary work for the RSPB, learning new skills in picture framing, travelling and living abroad (Cyprus) and developing my portfolio of artwork and photographs.
I am endlessly inspired by the work of many of the Old Masters with which we are all familiar: Van Gogh, Rembrandt, Caravaggio, Raphael and the Impressionists. I also love the decadent brilliance of Egon Schiele, who inspires my life drawing, and I appreciate the work of Victorian travellers such as Ruskin and Lear, whose work influences the sort of urban sketching and depictions of the built environment that I am currently working on.
I have exhibited at recent local exhibitions in Faringdon and Islip, and I exhibited at the Oxford Art Society Open Exhibition last summer.
I have recently been accepted as a new member of the Oxford Art Society.
I am involved in Eynsham Arts Group as Honorary Secretary, and I regularly contribute in their exhibitions.
I run a fortnightly Life Drawing Class at Mill Street Arts, Eynsham. If you would like to join us and take part then do please contact me for further details.