Calling All Oxfordshire Students! Opportunity to exhibit in and around the O3 Gallery as part of Artweeks 2012!
Enter your artwork to be exhibited as part of O3 Gallery’s high profile Artweeks exhibitions in May 2012, showcasing student art either inside the O3 Gallery, alongside the work of Mary Moser Prize Winner, or across the Oxford Castle site, in venues such as the Malmaison Hotel, The Living Room, La Tasca, The Swan and Castle and Café 1071!
This competition is open to all current students of art who either originate from or who are studying within Oxfordshire and work within the media of drawing, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture or digital imaging.
We are looking for pieces themed loosely around "The Passing of Time" as we celebrate the 30th birthday of Oxfordshire Artweeks and Oxfordshire's generation of art, both those who have been part of the festival and the process of making.
With the O3 Gallery offering their support to each selected student through every stage of the exhibition process, not only is this a fantastic exhibition opportunity for Oxford’s up-and-coming Art stars, but it is also an invaluable commercial exercise.
To apply simply complete and return the application form (along with up to 3 digital images of each proposed artwork) to: info@o3gallery.co.uk
Download your Application Form and Terms & Conditions document below.
Further Information
Contact Details:
Helen Statham O3 Gallery Manager O3 Gallery, Oxford Castle OX1 1AY www.o3gallery.co.uk info@o3gallery.co.uk
Tel: 01865 246131