Find a venue

It is an artist's responsibility to find and organise a venue for their Artweeks exhibition that suits their ethos. You may find it convenient to open your home or studio; you may prefer to exhibit as part of a group show. You might be choosing to participate to give the public a chance to see and/or buy your work, to share your enthusiasm about how it is made and/or to meet people and build contacts.
All venues should be free to enter for Artweeks visitors.

For help you find an appropriate venue for your work- or to offer a venue/space within a shared venue - you can add your details to our map.
Your details will show within 72 hours, once checked by Artweeks staff. (If you don't already have a user account, you will need to sign in to the website and choose a password to create one).

Please sign in

New participants will need to create an account on the website. If you already have an account on the site, please sign in before continuing.